Training Program Design

A successful Training Program should be designed for the needs of each individual to effectively get a person to reach their desired goals while being injury free. There are many components to consider when designing a successful Training Program. Some of those components include Training Variables (Sets per exercise, Reps per exercise, Rest between sets, and Load- expressed as a percentage of one-repetition maximum (1RM), Training Frequency, and different Phases of Training. This page is dedicated to providing information about different components of a Training Program Design.  

1 Rep Max

There will be days when you’re not mentally or physically ready for a challenge and those are the times when just being present at the gym are enough. Better to get something done than to do nothing at all. But, when you want to Enhance your strength, improve your Physique, and Challenge yourself with mental and physical growth you will want to focus on your 1 Rep Max and developing a training program around your 1 Rep Max. Read more...